Holtz Communications + Technology

Shel Holtz
Communicating at the Intersection of Business and Technology
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Which podcasts are in the top 10? That depends on whose list you’re looking at. In fact, among the services that keep track of such things (using whatever hinky methodology they may apply), there’s little in common. I know because I can look at all of the major top 10 lists in one place at a new service called Popcasts.

Popcasts is in beta…

Funny that I spent part of my morning, while recording The Hobson & Holtz Report, trying to articulate why audio is a worthy supplement to text. The comments responded to posts by Darren Barefoot who insists that online text is just plain better in every way.

Funny because, shortly after wrapping up post-production, I heard the special edition of PJ Fenton’s Digital Flotsam…

Steve Rubel posted an item last week applauding the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) for podcasting. I visited the site and couldn’t find an RSS feed, so I left Steve a comment asserting that it’s not a podcast; it’s just downloadable audio. Steve replied, “Shel, not so. I can subscribe via iTunes.”

So I went back to the MOMA site and scoured it for any reference to the…

Neville and I reported on Monday’s edition of “The Hobson & Holtz Report” that locked-out CBC reporters had started podcasting as a means of keeping their content available for their audiences while articulating the union’s view of the controversy. The

The first of The Conference Board’s series of podcasts around its Corporate Communication and Technology Conference is available. Lee Hornick, the organization’s program director, interviewed Sun Microsystems’ Terry McKenzie, Ernst & Young’s David Reyes-Guerra, and me. I handled recording and production. At the conference itself, I’ll conduct interviews with speakes and attendees and record Dan Gillmor’s keynote address. You can subscribe to all of the conference podcasts on…

I was part of an intriguing new channel for delivering content this morning, and it has me thinking about the potential for this type of process for getting the word out through non-traditional means.

You’ve probably heard something by now about the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s lockout of its employees, including writers, editors, producers, and reporters. (In case you haven’t, Neville blogged about it today.)…

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