Holtz Communications + Technology

Shel Holtz
Communicating at the Intersection of Business and Technology
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The whole Web 2.0 thing has produced a number of assumptions that a lot of people have started taking for granted. Among these is the assumption that there is no creativity in traditional advertising; all the creativity has transitioned to individuals who express it in the form of consumer-generated content.

It’s not hard to buy into this notion. After all, we use our…

I’m a big fan of print and a believer that old channels like print can adapt nicely when new channels come along. It follows that I’m usually pleased to see studies that reinforce the value of print. The new study from the Poynter Institute, however, doesn’t do much for me.

Shel HoltzTouted over at the newly content-intensive Ragan.com site, the study is the latest in…

Ragan Communications is at it again.

Before I go on, I need to disclose that I have a financial relationship with Ragan. I speak at their conferences, I write for their publications, and they handle the financial side of my online workshop business. Ragan is also one of the sponsors of For Immediate Release, the podcast I cohost with Neville…

I always love seeing statistics like these. According to a U.N. report, workers in the U.S. lead the world in productivity. The report’s statistics conclude that Americans stay at work longerand produce more per person than any other country, and and get more done per hour than anyone except Norwegians.

The average American worker generates $63,885 of wealth per year, according to the…

When the web was relatively new, I worked with a large insurance company to help them begin a monitoring program, this in the days before eWatch and other monitoring services. After the program was in place for a few weeks, the media relations manager got in touch with me to tell me how much time the effort was taking. A…

First you could get Slashdotted. Then came the Digg Effect. In fact, getting a link from several sites these days can bring servers down. Michael Arrington’s TechCrunch can have the same impact as swarms of readers click on over to take a look.

Now we can add Facebook to the list. The difference is, nobody should be surprised when a Facebook app

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