Holtz Communications + Technology

Shel Holtz
Communicating at the Intersection of Business and Technology
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Corporations are implementing policies on employee blogging, but the Pentagon isn’t following the trend. According to the very last graph in an AP story appearing Sunday, “the Pentagon has ‘’‘no specific guidelines on blogging per se,’’ said Cheryl Irwin, a Defense Department spokeswoman. ‘Generally, they can do it if they are writing their blogs not on government time and not on a government computer. They have every right…

Gerard Braud (pronounced bro) has some time on his hands. Recovering for the last several months from a debilitating illness, Braud has had plenty of time to watch TV and dream up inventive ideas.

A resident of New Orleans (where he was once a TV consumer affairs reporter), the media trainer and communications consultant watched a lot of hurricane news as…

A nice piece appeared in yesterday’s San Jose Mercury News about the proliferation of blogs published by venture capitalists. In a profession known for its secrecy, it’s news when venture capitalists start providing insight into their thinking and allowing entrepreneurs to provide feedback through blog comment features.

The Mercury News has counted 11 VC blogs to date, one of the earliest coming from…

While many blogs deal with companies, professions and issues, the vast majority remain personal journals. That was the case with (name removed at the individual’s request), a resident (at the time) of Iqaluit, a Canadian town near the Arctic Circle. According to today’s Globe and Mail (which seems to do a better job covering the social impact of technology than most US…

Mike Manuel of Media Guerrilla offers a hysterical take on how to post a message to a message board. If you’re in a cubicle ghetto, put on headphones or at least, for God’s sake, turn the sound down.

Thanks to Tom Murphy for this one.

WebUser, a UK-based Internet magazine, reports that Wikipedia now has more than 1 million articles in its database. Wikipedia has been the focus of some controversy over its value as an authoritative source of information, particularly for journalists. For more on this, see Mark Glaser’s column, “Collaborative Conundrum: Do Wikis Have a Place in the Newsroom?” in the Online Journalism Review. (Not that…

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