Holtz Communications + Technology

Shel Holtz
Communicating at the Intersection of Business and Technology
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At Groove Networks, Ray Ozzie’s peer-to-peer workplace collaboration software company, employees are encouraged to blog. Ozzie outlined a policy in 2002 that warns employees not to disclose information that could cause problems, asks employees to be respectful when talking about their colleagues, and advises employees to use a disclaimer. As a result, the blogs written by employees cause few problems but lend…

Funny thing. Last night I was at the monthly meeting of the communications committee for my synagogue (I chair the committee and serve as volunteer Webmaster for the Temple’s Web site). We talked about the potential for blogs and wikis as part of our mix. Today I find an article at The Jewish Week that delves into the impact of blogging on…

Corporate blogs could fail, according to Mike Manuel, because the people who write them will skip the first two steps—recognizing the influence of participatory communication and listening to what people are saying. Instead, communicators jump directly to engagement (or, in other words, writing blogs). As a result, you end up with a blog purportedly written by the Geico mascot (which, thankfully,…

Stuart Bruce reports on the launch of Buzz Magazine, which touts itself as “a vital resource for individuals at all stages of their public relations careers.”

Written by PR students, the magazine seems top-heavy with education-related matters. One first-person piece chronicles the experience of a PR grad who thought he knew all there was to know about PR until joining Edelman, where he found…

PRSA is hosting a free Webinar on October 6 on blogs and PR. Details are on Rubel’s Micropersuasion and the PRSA site. ClickZ editor and blogger Pamela Parker will also speak.

Michael Bazeley of the San Jose Mercury News does a nice job of pulling together a number of blog-related news items into a single piece that summarizes organizational awareness of how they can use the blogging phenomenon to their advantage.

First, using products like Blabble, they can monitor what people are saying about their products. Blogpulse from Intelliseek also performs market…

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