Holtz Communications + Technology

Shel Holtz
Communicating at the Intersection of Business and Technology
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I’ve been waiting and waiting to make this public, and the time has finally come. No more hints. No more teasing. This is the real thing. I’m leaving the world of sole practitionership and independent consulting to join a startup that features a killer team of communicators and a laser-like focus on New Marketing.

Shel HoltzThe company is called crayon. The name derives from an…

Dan York emailed me asking for a SlideShare beta invitation. I wasn’t even aware I had them to give away, but indeed, upon checking my account, found I had 10. Dan got one, so I have nine left. The first nine requests I get as comments to this post will get the invitations. I’m at O’Hare, by the way, so if you don’t get…

Todd Defren told me he never meant to start a controversy, calling his post on accreditation for communicators a throw-away post. But between the comments to his post and those to Kami Watson Huyse’s—whose post supporting accreditation sparked Todd’s post in the first place—the accreditation discussion has taken on a life of its own.

To summarize, Kami believes more accredited communicators will result in an…

By the looks of things, I’ve given up blogging. The only posts for a while have been cross-posts of For Immediate Release show notes. In fact, though, I’ve been wanting to get some items up here, but events have conspired against me.

Last week, I was on the road from Sunday through Thursday, with full days that began early and ended late. I…

I just received the evaluation results of the breakout session I conducted on the last day of IABC‘s 2006 international conference. Normally, I scour the written-in comments for tips on how to improve my presentation style and I don’t shout out that I ranked in the top five or the top 25. But the results I got today lead me to toss…

PR News wants you to weigh in on the most successful PR endeavors of all time. You can vote for three from a list that includes the Boston Tea Party (I think that was a Hill & Knowlton account), Ivy Lee’s declaration of principles, the search for an actress to play Scarlett O’Hara and the website for “The Blair Witch Project,” among many others. Wisely,…

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