Holtz Communications + Technology

Shel Holtz
Communicating at the Intersection of Business and Technology
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Life on the road continues. I’m headed to Phoenix this morning (speaking at the local IABC chapter as well as a gathering of communicators from a financial services company), and then on to Philadelphia for a meeting of communicators and IT folks involved with the Web and the implementation of an enterprise portal for a global manufacturing company. I’ll continue to post, but…

The Wall Street Journal’s online edition will be available free for five days beginning November 8. The New York Times is making online content available that used to be “walled-off.” It’s not alone, according to Frank Barnako’s Internet Daily. Citing an article by Mark Glaser in the Online Journalism Review, Barnako notes that the increasing openness of news through non-traditional sources has forced the issue. Blogs…

Nevon features an item on the need for company policies on employee blogging. Neville cites Jupiter Research analyst Michael Gartenberg. Gartenberg’s response to a post on Microsoft blogger Robert Scoble’s blog points out the risks inherent in employee blogging without a policy.

From Steve Rubel’s always-great Micropersuasion comes a three-step process for finding bloggers who influence your target audiences. It starts with a customized Google search Rubel created, moves you to a Bloglines search page and winds up with a subscription to the blog’s feed via Bloglines, which reports the number of subscribers. Pretty cool, Steve.

Constantin Basturea, PR Meets the WWW blogger, offers up a Blogdigger group that merges seven RSS feeds from Business Week. Using the Blogdigger group, you can subscribe to a single feed that covers the waterfront.

There’s little doubt that RSS feeds are superior to e-mail newsletters, if only because you can’t get spammed by RSS. But RSS feeds are just mass blasts of a single file. One of the advantages of e-mail is the integration of the message with personalized information. According to a story in SearchCRM.com, that’s about to change.

Startup SodaMail.com plans to introduce integration…

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