Holtz Communications + Technology

Shel Holtz
Communicating at the Intersection of Business and Technology
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I was right there with John Durham from Carat Fusion as he berated his colleagues in the advertising business for their dislike of advertising. Durham, Joe Jaffe’s guest co-host on the most recent installment of the Across the Sound podcast, chided advertising execs who don’t listen to radio commercials and fast-forward through TV commercials. Right on, I thought; it would be like PR…

I had already been pondering the surge in popularity of online video when Steve Rubel wrote today about the “Big Bang” that occurred when Apple began selling TV series episodes and other video content through its iTunes store.

Steve asks if your marketing or PR program is Big-Bang-ready. I’m wondering more about intranets.

I have maintained for years that anything that succeeds on the web…

Content summary: The Bad Pitch Blog; blogging Gonzo the Whale; Washington Post comments brouhaha; science blogs as a vehicle for selling ads; thoughts, commentary and a question from The Copenhagen Bloggers; Lee Hopkins’ report; Shel’s and Neville’s podcast interviews; listeners’ comments discussion (stop talking about rewinding; adopting intelligent evaluation for PR; IABC, corporate blogs, CPRS); growing FIR Frappr community; links on The New PR Wiki;…

For years you’ve been dreaming of a luxury cruise. Exotic locales, balmy sea breezes, tropical drinks with umbrellas in them. You’ve read about some of the problems with Carnival and other cruise lines, so you opt to go first class. You book a cruise on the Queen Mary 2, a Cunard ship. A top-shelf experience awaits, and for what it costs, you have…

Wired magazine ponders whether Howard Stern might not have been better off switching to a podcast instead of satellite radio. After all, he said it wasn’t about the money, but rather the freedom to speak his mind. Of course, half a billion dollars is a pretty good incentive for going the second-best route.

What does the pharmaceutical industry need to do in…

Defenders of Wildlife wants your money. There are several ways to give your money to the Washington, D.C. based organization that is dedicated to “the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities.” Problem is, if you give them your money, they could become one of the major annoyances in your life.

At least, that’s my wife’s experience. Three…

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