Holtz Communications + Technology

Shel Holtz
Communicating at the Intersection of Business and Technology
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Friday Wrap #233I extract items for the Wrap from my link blog, which you’re welcome to follow. To make sure you never miss an issue, subscribe to my weekly email briefing.


Twitter expands to 280 characters—Twitter’s 140-character limit will soon be a thing of the past. The company is expanding the limit on posts to 280 characters. Only some users have access (though several people have…

Friday Wrap #232I extract items for the Wrap from my link blog, which you’re welcome to follow. To make sure you never miss an issue, subscribe to my weekly email briefing.

A quick note

So I got a note from a colleague and reader who asked why I dropped “The Takeaway” from this weekly update. I explained that I was putting the stories about which I had a point of…

A swarm of drones

Not everybody succumbs to the allure of every new technology.

In fact, the rapid introduction of new technology can leave people feeling overwhelmed and left behind. Believing that business is more interested in the revenue it can earn from these technologies than the impact they have on people creates suspicion and mistrust.

“The implications of the global trust crisis are deep and…

Friday Wrap #231I extract items for the Wrap from my link blog, which you’re welcome to follow. To make sure you never miss an issue, subscribe to my weekly email briefing.

The Big Stories

Unleash your superhero with AI—“Every PR person who manages to surf the new AI wave will get instant superpowers, including the ability to predict the future,” according to this VentureBeat piece. The article gives a…

Friday Wrap #230I extract items for the Wrap from my link blog, which you’re welcome to follow. To make sure you never miss an issue, subscribe to my weekly email briefing.

The Big Stories

Equifax is the latest company to botch its crisis communication—Equifax learned a month ago that 143 million customers may have been compromised by a breach of its network, including Social Security numbers,…

Friday Wrap #229I extract items for the Wrap from my link blog, which you’re welcome to follow. To make sure you never miss an issue, subscribe to my weekly email briefing.

Got 5 Minutes?

The Society for New Communication Research (SNCR)—part of The Conference Board and of which I am a Founding Fellow—has undertaken an initiative to determine how people in the communication industry can help tackle the…

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