Holtz Communications + Technology

Shel Holtz
Communicating at the Intersection of Business and Technology
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When you think of champions for blogs, you think Dan Gillmor, Doc Searls, Mark Cuban. But Rupert Murdoch? Murdoch is portrayed as a traditionalist, an arch-conservative, a tyrant. Yet in a speech last night to the American Society of Newspaper Editors, he sang blogs’ praises and exhorted his audience to stop whining about them and get on board.

According to a report in…

Dan Gillmor’s short piece about the value professional journalism brings to the table has elicited a variety of responses. Gillmor points to a New York Times investigation that required a commitment of resources—personnel, money, and time—resulting in an expose. Gillmor doubts any individual blogger would be able to make the same kind of commitment in pursuit of a story.

Pete Shinbach agrees. Andy Lark is…

PubSub, which enables monitoring of the blogosphere, has launched a new free service that sends RSS alerts in real time to text messaging-enabled cell phones. Dubbed FeedBeep, the service simply forwards results from selected watch lists to SMS devices such as cell phones.

FeedBeep has been around for a while, but the relationship with PubSub will speed up the process…

Mark Glaser interviews several people who might someday have the title “Citizen Media Editor,” an official position in the newsroom responsible for the news outlet’s participatory journalism efforts. Writing in Online Journalism Review, Glaser notes…

...it’s not surprising that the more industrious news sites have started to ask their readers to take on citizen media projects, submit photos, start a blog or give live online feedback…

A CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll released March 11 revealed, not surprisingly, that traditional news outlets remain the dominant source of information for Americans. According to an article on EditorsWebLog.org, traditional news outlets shouldn’t get too comfortable. The piece cites for reasons things will change, including…

  • Demographics, which suggest younger people read blogs while older people read newspapers. It’s not hard to see where this trend is…

While some journalists continue to crank out columns decrying the rise of blogs, the Project for Excellence in Journalism sees them as a new but entrenched part of the media landscape. In its recently released “The State of the News Media 2005,” the Project suggests that the news media has shifted its focus from verifying facts to going to press with little or…

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