Holtz Communications + Technology

Shel Holtz
Communicating at the Intersection of Business and Technology
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square peg in a round hole (c) Can Stock PhotoI see my share of intranets.

The intranets I see tend to be the home to content produced by excellent communicators. These smart people understand the role of content in an employee communications strategy. They produce great articles, video and audio. Employees who view their content almost universally like it. Usually, they call me when they can’t figure out why,…

Friday Wrap #64(c) Can Stock PhotoSocial media was front and center in the news this week. Facebook announced it was leading an initiative to bring the Internet to the two-thirds of the world that doesn’t have access, while the Huffington Post made waves by announcing it would no longer permit the posting of anonymous comments. In the midst of these stories, other announcements and…

intranet anonymity(c) Can Stock PhotoThe announcement that the Huffington Post will reject anonymous comments beginning next month has sparked debate over online anonymity. The desire to eliminate trolls from the conversation is certainly understandable. Anybody who has read comments on YouTube videos knows how anonymity can drag the discussion into the gutter. Incivility reaches new levels when there is zero accountability.…

Fehr and Peers activity streamThe activity stream displaying what employees have been doing is one of the keysections of the Fehr & Peers intranet home page. It can be filtered to display just thoseemployees with whom you have connected, along with other views.

After FIR co-host Shel Holtz posted an item to his blog about the future role of activity streams on intranets, Corey Connors got in…

Friday Wrap #58 (c) Can Stock PhotoI was away much of this week at IABC’s annual world conference. The news kept pouring in—lots of it this week—making for a content-rich installment of the Friday Wrap. As always, I collect the stories from which I choose Wrap items on my link blog at LinksFromShel.tumblr.com. Add it to your reading list to stay up to date on all the…

Friday Wrap #54 (c) Can Stock PhotoHardly a week goes by without some big news dominating our attention, making it harder to catch some of the lesser-reported stories that still could be of value for communication professionals. This week, the sacking of the entire Chicago Sun-Times photo desk was at the top of the heap, and the implications of that decision will reverberate…

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