Holtz Communications + Technology

Shel Holtz
Communicating at the Intersection of Business and Technology
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You can’t drink a virtual beer

Neville had a flight at fourish the day after the New Communications Forum ended. We decided it would be nice to stop at a microbrewery in Burlingame for lunch and a few beers with Christopher Carfi. Christopher writes the Social Customer Manifesto blog, which Neville reads (and so do I, now). Neville and Chrstopher had exchanged a few e-mails, which led to lunch. Christopher wrote about the experience on his blog, noting

“Reason #6537 why business folk should write, podcast, or otherwise communicate often, and in their own voice: your customers, vendors, and partners get to know you before they even meet you, so when you do get together, you already have shared context and can get things done 10x faster than you ever have in the past.”

Read his whole brief post; it’s worthwhile.

01/30/05 | 0 Comments | You can’t drink a virtual beer

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