Holtz Communications + Technology

Shel Holtz
Communicating at the Intersection of Business and Technology
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Workers represent one of the constituencies that make up the “social audience.” Employing blogs, workers are beginning to shine the light on business practices that might otherwise go unreported. In a post on Bleeding Edge, the example of ea_spouse is offered up as a symbol of the potential for blogs to serve as a nexus for workplace activism. The wife of an…

There’s already been plenty of chatter about Marqui’s program to pay bloggers to write about the company. Today’s Globe and Mail offers an in-depth look at the program, including interviews with some who doubt its wisdom.

Jason Calacanis, co-founder of New York-based Weblogs Inc., is among those most concerned about the pay-to-blog model. He says the separation of advertising and content works well in…

Among bloggers, Sun Microsystems’ Chief Technology Officer, Jonathan Scwhartz, is a star. As one of the highest-ranking corporate officials to put keyboard to blog, he has become a prominent advocate for the kind of connection a blog can create between a company and its audiences. Business 2.0 offers up an interview with Schwartz on how to blog effectively. Among Schwart’s observations:

What I’m…

InfoWorld reports that Highbeam Research has appointed a Chief Blogging Officer. According to the InfoWorld blog, “TechWatch,” Christopher Locke is likely the first CBO in the business world, although the idea has apparently been bandied about on a few blogs. (It has, for instance, been suggested that Robert Scoble be named Microsoft’s CBO.) Highbeam, which wants Locke to help develop new blogging…

Thanks to Corporate Engagement for pointing me to a terrific post by Jeremy Wright on three key reasons companies can derive value from blogs: information aggregation, knowledge management, and feedback loop. Wright’s full post provides insight into each of these drivers. For instance,...

The more knowledge you can store, the more you and your company become industry Thought Leaders. After all, who…

“Pro-Ams” are amateurs who pursue their hobbies to professional standards. I first read about Pro-Ams in a FastCompany article that details the influence of pro-ams in everything from the popularization of rap music to the infiltration of Linux into the Windows world. The article’s author, Charles Leadbeater, along with co-author Paul Miller, has written a book on the subject, “The Pro-Am Revolution,” which…

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