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Shel Holtz
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Blogs: The new workplace militancy?

Workers represent one of the constituencies that make up the “social audience.” Employing blogs, workers are beginning to shine the light on business practices that might otherwise go unreported. In a post on Bleeding Edge, the example of ea_spouse is offered up as a symbol of the potential for blogs to serve as a nexus for workplace activism. The wife of an employee of game-maker EA uses the blog to “describe the outrageous working hours her partner and his co-workers are forced to endure on a regular basis and the effect on their health and well-being.”

The post also points to an article in The Guardian about workplace-focused blogs, which asks, “Could (blogs) be the way people in modern information businesses rediscover traditional ideas of worker solidarity and even reinvent workplace politics?”

Thanks to Corporate Engagement for the link.

12/22/04 | 0 Comments | Blogs: The new workplace militancy?

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