Holtz Communications + Technology

Shel Holtz
Communicating at the Intersection of Business and Technology
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Another perspective on corporate blogging

David Sifry, founder and CEO of Technorati, offers a post about corporate blogs (thanks to CommonCraft for the pointer). Sifry takes a stab at defining corporate bloggers: “People who blog in an official or semi-official capacity at a company, or are so affiliated with the company where they work that even though they are not officially spokespeople for the company, they are clearly affiliated.”

Sifry offers a chart showing who’s blogging in the corporate world. Six companies dominate nearly half the 5,000 or so corporate blogs, leading Sifry to observe, “To me this shows that we are still at the relative start of accepted use of blogging as a part of corporate policy—and that there is still a tremendous opportunity for forward-thinking companies and management to have a significant positive impact on their public perception by encouraging an enlightened blogging policy, encouraging openness both within and outside of the organization.”

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