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Reopening the blog/journalism chasm

If the blog-journalism war is over (or was stupid to begin with), nobody told Nick Coleman. The columnist from the Minneapolis Star-Tribune has launched an outright war against bloggers, warning other journalists that nothing good can come from blogging and that they need to be aware of blogs and prepared to fire back at blog posts.

Coleman’s comments—and the story of how he came to his conclusions—are covered in a story on today’s Editor & Publisher.

“Editors and writers in mainstream media are very naive,” he says. “Readership and power of the blogs is increasing.” He also claims that the blogs are dangerous because they are not under the same ethical restrictions as mainstream media and seek to stay on the attack, facts be damned. He contends “the mainstream media is under assault.”

01/27/05 | 0 Comments | Reopening the blog/journalism chasm

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