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Shel Holtz
Communicating at the Intersection of Business and Technology
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Keep dating your blog posts; it adds important context

Date Your Blog PostsThe tweet that crossed my stream the other day expressed outrage. I followed the link and was pretty outraged myself, and said so in my own tweet. It didn’t take long before someone pointed out that the post was from 2006.

I have to admit I didn’t look at the date on the post. The assumption that if somebody else tweeted it, they had already assessed its timeliness is actually fairly common. NPR’s “On the Media” reported a few months back about a story that was widely covered by the mainstream press even though it wasn’t true. The news outlet that first reported the story had done a shoddy job of verifying the facts, but that subsequently covered the story simply assumed that the first publication had done its job.

So I sent out a correction, noting that the story was old. But what if that date hadn’t been on the post at all?

Several people have suggested that bloggers should not include dates on their posts. In June, Jim Connolly reported on an experiment in which he removed dates from posts on his blog for a month. As a result, he got more shares, more comments and lower bounce rates. As a result, Connolly has decided to stick with date-free posts on his “Internet Marketing Jam” blog. (I was able to figure out when he posted the item based on the dates attached to comments.) If the information in the post is date-sensitive, he adds, he’ll include the date in the copy.

I have no idea when Don Crowther wrote his post, Why NOT To Date Your Blog Posts; even the comments are date-free. Crowther suggests that an older date biases people against reading what you’ve written, so he offers a five-minute video on how to drop the date feature from WordPress blogs.

Crowther offers a similar caveat to Connolly’s, suggesting dates are fine if “you’re an extremely cutting edge blogger on highly time-sensitive issues.” But it’s the judgment about what’s time-sensitive that worries me. The post I tweeted was about a video game hitting store shelves that featured bigoted content so objectionable that it went beyond the pale even for me (and I like offensive entertainment; South Park and Family Guy are regular diversions for me).

In addition to tweeting my distaste for this game, I also sent a message to GameStop expressing my dismay that they would carry such a game. Of course, they’re not. Nobody is. The game is nearly six years old and long gone. But when discussing the content of a game, the blogger might not have thought that this was time-sensitive. Because the post was dated, I quickly learned about my error and set the record straight. Without it, the objections may well have spread, putting retailers on the defensive for something that hasn’t been a story for half a decade.

When I’m searching for information to inform my writing, my consulting and my presentations, I’m often looking for trends and analysis. Without a date, I wouldn’t now if those trends were from last week or 2002. Without dates, the credibility and validity of every post I see is suspect.

As the calls for removing dates from posts increase, I’ll stand firmly on the side of keeping them there. Yes, removing them may get more people to share the posts, but how many of those would never have happened if the date had shown the post was no longer relevant or accurate? Getting people to share outdated information without knowing it is hardly a noble tactic.

Dates provide important context to posts. Blogs, after all, are generally updated with some frequency in reverse chronological order. Finding one from four years ago that looks like it could have been written yesterday can cause confusion and lead readers to cite information that is no longer accurate.

Have you stopped dating your posts? What’s your rationale? If you thought about it and decided to retain the dates, what was the basis of your decision?

  • 1.:::sitting back down after a round of applause:::

    As a content creator, I want the date for a) reader benefit b) findability as Google is adding byline info to results and c) context and copyright

    As a content curator, I want the date for a) my readers b) so I don't look foolish sharing the top 10 ways to do whatever and the piece is older than 6 months old c) for the originator so I'll continue sharing their works with others

    Those who don't date their posts either must have timeless posts (many of Connolly's are such) or risk losing credibility and eyeballs

    The only reason(s) to have non-dated posts are selfish. They don't take the reader (today's or tomorrow's) into consideration.

    Write with the reader in mind. Make it simple to share. (I grow weary of finding dates in comments so I know whether the piece is current).

    I just wrote a blog post in your comments. Sheesh

    Mike Sansone | December 2011 | Omaha, NE

  • 2.Great post, Shel. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this important matter. I too have seen an increase of consultants informing their clients to not include dates on their content. In my opinion, this is a bad idea, because as you said the date provides context. Furthermore, in my experience, a lot of people use blogs, web sites, and online newsrooms to research stories. When searching through an archive of content while performing research, not having dates on the results, can be a slight problem and lessens the value of the content.

    As always, great insight!

    Steve Momorella | December 2011

  • 3.I'm in complete agreement and feel dates are required even if the posts are "ever green." I'll add a plug for a need for a location for many (but not all) blog posts. I don't mean there should be a formal dateline, like in the newspaper, but a mention of location and/or event in the text.

    I read this post http://memeburn.com/2011/12/next-wave-of-social-will-sweep-away-nonsense-like-foursquare-forrester-boss/ about what the CEO of Forrester said recently. There was no indication of where or why this fellow was addressing journalists. The tags included Le Web, but it was not in the test anywhere. I had to track down other coverage (from Reuters, interestingly) to learn the discussion occurred at Le Web in Paris.

    Date/time *and* geography matter in blog posts!

    Adena Schutzberg | December 2011 | East Coast

  • 4.I don't tweet, blog or otherwise output via social media, but I DO read.

    Knowing when and where information originates from is important to me as a reader. The internet is a minefield of misinformation, half truths, personal opinions and downright lies amongst which resides the informative and educational knowledge.

    Knowing who wrote what and when is the minimum I want to know about anything I read. Of course sticking to reputable sites like yours Shel also helps.

    There now, my first omline response after years of followng your site, wasn't as hard as I thought.

    John Hayward | December 2011 | UK

  • 5.My site isn't necessarily driven by hot-off-the-press news like a Mashable.

    I'm kind of the opposite. I'm pretty conscious of doing what I can to create content that's evergreen. Not everything I publish will end up that way but the majority does.

    But I'm date-biased when I go to other sites so I'm glad I've come here and heard your perspective on this because it makes common sense and makes me question my actions. Thank You Shel!

    Lewis LaLanne a.k.a. Nerd #2 | December 2011 | Phoenix, Arizona

  • 6.Not having dates tells me that the blogger is a slacker or has become one. Why else hide the fact when your post was written?

    Many of my most popular posts were written years ago. The dates help readers understand that the information could be a little (or a lot) outdated.

    It also helps me realize that I need to start writing better content, like the good old days. :)

    Dave Delaney | December 2011 | Nashville

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