Holtz Communications + Technology

Shel Holtz
Communicating at the Intersection of Business and Technology
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Pointers (2-2-06)

A graphic designer has taken a stab at redesigning the spartan Google homepage. He explains his redesign in detail, and the result has its merits.

A column in the Online Journalism Review offers up six ways to improve Wikipedia.

Here’s breaking news: If somebody in your company puts something on a web page, it can be found by a search engine. Dell Computers was shocked by the revelation.

Some remarkably stupid ideas are coming out of the newspaper business, which is already on the ropes. Despite the fact that search engines drive traffic to their sites they would otherwise never get, they want the search engines to pay them. However much they’re paying for whatever it is they’re smoking, it’s worth it.

Jakob Nielsen’s research supports the notion that investing in intranet improvements results in reduced costs and higher employee productivity.

12/31/69 | 0 Comments | Pointers (2-2-06)

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