Holtz Communications + Technology

Shel Holtz
Communicating at the Intersection of Business and Technology
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Introducing Shrink-Wrap: What communicators can learn from Pokemon Go

Introducing Shrink-Wrap: What communicators can learn from Pokemon Go

I have been toying for a while with the idea of a short weekly video that goes into a little more detail on one of the hotter items I plan to include in my Friday Wrap, which I use to curate items of interest to communicators that have been published in the last week. With Pokemon Go in the news, I figured this was the week to launch this endeavor. Your feedback is most appreciated!

  • 1.Great post!! I really enjoyed watching this video..It was very fascinating..

    Viraj Patel | July 2016

  • 2.Hello Shel. As you say, talking about Pokemon Go is as good a way as any to start communicating.

    I've seen marketers around the web desperately trying to squeeze Pokemon Go into their blog posts and promos, but it's usually a tenuous connection. Your video, on the other hand, is a simple and genuine compilation of what's in the news about Pokemon Go. I appreciate the intellectual honesty, and will be reading your posts from now on.

    Anand | July 2016

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